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Customer Oriented Websites Database
D4 Household Goods & Textiles

Please choose a sub-sector according to the following list:

Subsector* Description
D41 Clothing & Footwear Manufacturers or wholesalers of all types of clothing and footwear, including those for sportswear.
D42 Furnishings & Floor Coverings Manufacturers and distributors of furniture (including office furniture) and furnishings, carpets and other materials for covering floors.
D45 Household Appliances & Housewares Manufacturers or distributors of consumer electronic and electrical equipment, domestic appliances, lighting, tools for use in the home, hardware, cutlery, tableware, giftware, jewellery and watches.
D47 Leisure Equipment Manufacturers or distributors of leisure equipment not classified under 'Clothing & Footwear' - D41 or 'Home Entertainment' - F35.
D49 Other Textiles & Leather Goods Manufacturers or distributors of textile materials and goods other than clothing, and of leather goods other than footwear. Processors of hides and skins.

* if the Subsector is not hyperlinked to The Gosling Group's COW Database, then there are currently no web-site entries for this sub-sector.

To ensure our customers' future profitable growth by ensuring a full understanding of the wants and needs of both their existing and future customers and markets, and targeting their current and future product offerings to them; in so doing we will ensure an understanding of their employees' engagement and optimise their internal and external processes accordingly, using a combination of both traditional and modern business tools.
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